Posts by 

Craig Roh

Skill Development

D-Line resource guide

A compilation of all the best D-Line resources around the web
Skill Development

Film study fundamentals

A clinic on how to watch film
Skill Development

How to improve outside of practice

Techniques and drills to use no matter the location or time
Block Destruction

How to destroy zone read

A step by step explanation on the 3 techniques you can use to defeat zone read
Coaching tips

How to create a D-Line scouting report

Create a scouting report that equips your D-Line to identify tells, clarify their rush plan & give them an edge against their opponent
Pass Rush

Learning pass rush moves

A step by step framework for learning new pass rush moves
Block Destruction

How to destroy screen

A step-by-step how to defeat screen and improve your D-Line's ability to recognize it
Pass Rush

How to pass rush in a 3-4

3 techniques you can use to get pressure when pass rushing from a tite front

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